Monday, July 7, 2008

Resurrect a fly back to life

Resurrection of a dead fly.

This is an easy magic trick that require a little preparation.

The idea of this trick is to grab a passer by and pretend to find a dead fly (this fly will be planted by you.) You then take the fly in the palm of your hand and bring it back to life in front of their eyes.

How its done.

Firstly you need to catch a living fly, this is the hardest part of the trick. (honestly)
You then place the fly in a container and place the container into a freezer.
The freezer will cause the fly to become drowsy and appear dead and lifeless.
Now you need to work quickly.
Fetch the fly from the freezer and plant it somewhere you would expect to see a dead fly. This could be on the front of a car windscreen for example. Try and keep it shaded from sunlight.
Now quickly grab a passer by and tell him/her that you need to find a dead fly to perform this act. Conveniently find your planted fly (which should still be drowsy) and place it in the palm of your hand. With the other hand make some motion waves over the fly. The heat from your palm should cause the fly to come round from its state of comma and fly off, leaving the audience stunned.
This might seem like a little hassle to go to in the setup stage but the effect of your victim is definitely worth it.

Magic Guru

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Just a quick post today to ask that you do me a favour. If you find the blog interesting and think others will benefit from it then please use some of the services below to promote it. Hopefully this will boost the ranking in google a little and make the blog more visible as there are alot of other magic sites about.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Easy Magic - push a cigarette through a coin

This Easy Magic Trick has been used by the like of David Blaine yet it's so easy to do.

First watch the video below, it's David Blaine in action.

Now the thing is with this trick is that because it's so easy you have to really put on a convincing act to make sure the audience believe it's real magic.

You can grap you own magic coin here using the link below, click on the UK for an identical pound coin or US for the American alternative

Coin UK

Coin US - not available yet, check back soon

Magic Guru

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vanishing toothpick magic trick

This is probably one of the easiest magic tricks on the blog to date. It's a good one to learn because it takes little preparation and the result is quite effective.

Now you just need to practice this a couple of times to make it look smooth and so you can perform it with ease.

Magic Guru.